The Freedom Challenge:
3 Steps To Achieving Your Dream Lifestyle
Can you turn your passion or hobby into a
$100,000 a year business on the Internet?
Dear friends,
Welcome - and congratulations on getting your copy of this e-course.
In this introduction to the Master Plan system, we'll be talking about what you need in order to achieve true freedom in life. And in later issues, we'll take a look at exactly how to achieve it.
I can tell you one thing: you're in for a thrill. This valuable resource (including updates) was initially intended to be sold by itself for $197, but since you're a VIP member it's yours free.
The title of the e-course, "How To Turn Your Passion Or Hobby Into A Profitable Automated Business On The Internet", is a bold promise - but it's no empty claim.
You will discover exactly how to do just that. And I'll try to help you achieve it as fast and easy as possible, while working with something you love.
So, make sure that you read each issue carefully. You'll be getting $197 worth of life-changing information, on me.
What's my "hidden motive" for giving
you this valuable resource for free?
The truth? It's this...
I'm hoping that you will see the real value of these powerful techniques and choose get a full copy of my best-selling course, The Internet Marketing Master Plan - a proven 90 day action plan that gives you the full picture.
(Note: My initial test results indicate that approximately 10% of our subscribers eventually decide to get the full system, which should give you an idea of the value. That's why I can afford to over-deliver on the free version without asking for anything in return.)
No pressure though, you can feel completely relaxed while reading this e-course. I'll leave the decisions up to you.
I will keep adding new reports to your members area, so your e-course will be continually updated. In each new issue, you'll find some real gems that can help you create the kind of results you need in order to achieve your dream lifestyle. (I have some really valuable stuff planned for you.)
Now, let's get back to the important things...
First, let's talk about freedom.
Let's talk about creating the kind of lifestyle YOU want.
In this issue, I want you to focus on your goals and what you'd like to achieve in life. Big picture stuff.
We'll get to the good parts soon, but it's important to set the scene - to clearly see what you want - before putting any work into it.
First of all, think about this question...
- What does the word "freedom" really mean to you?
To me, it's being able to live my life the way I choose. To do what I want, when I want to do it, by my own choice.
You see, my purpose when it comes to mastering effective Internet marketing strategies is NOT just making a few bucks. My purpose is to achieve complete freedom in life - not having to work or tie up my time in order to survive.
Do you recognize the feeling?
To me, time is valuable. And I'm a bit extreme: I only spend my time on a marketing strategy if I feel it will realistically generate at least $1,000 for every hour I invest.
That's freedom.
Think about it for a while ... How do you value your time?
Unfortunately, you need money to set your own rules. So I spent 9 years and tens of thousands of dollars learning how to create money at will using the Internet, with minimum work. It wasn't easy, but I did it.
In this e-course, I will show you how exactly how it's done.
I've got this thing down to a science, and you will too after taking advantage of this information. You'll be way ahead of 99% of the competition.
Technically, what I can do for you is help you set up an automated Internet business in an area you enjoy working with. I'll show you how to get massive results, without having to tie up your time or work like a slave to do it. And if you're up to it, I'll try to help you get it done in the next 90 days.
Now, that's all fine, but the important thing is this:
True success and freedom is about time, money, AND fulfillment. By setting up an automated system on the Internet according to the Master Plan strategy, you can achieve 3 major goals...
Let's take a look at what we're really after here:
Success Requirement #1:
The ability to generate as much money as you
want, to support any lifestyle you may prefer
First, the most obvious point. Financial freedom.
We need to set up a system that is able to generate passive income for you. One that is automated, secure, and scalable. One that can generate a predictable level of income that you would be comfortable with.
This is important:
When you have a truly effective marketing system working for you, you never need to feel limited by lack of money again. You never have to compromise the quality of your life again because of fear that you can't afford it.
With such a system, YOU decide your level of income, and your lifestyle.
Just want to take it easy and relax? Go ahead. Want a luxury lifestyle while traveling around the world to exotic places? Then just pyramid your profits and roll out big. The automated system handles 90% of the work for you, no matter if you have a hundred customers or ten thousand.
Success Requirement #2:
The freedom to spend your time doing
what you want, by your own choice
Let's talk about time. We need a system that is as automated as possible. One that does not require you to be there all the time.
Get this: Having lots of money is completely pointless if you're not in control of your time. Completely.
Don't believe me?
I know wealthy people who are slaves to their businesses, who will never be truly happy. Lost money can be replaced, but a wasted day is gone forever.
Sure, being able to buy fancy cars is nice, but it's so much more important to be free to choose how you live your own life. So, with that in mind, you need a business strategy that will free up your valuable time.
Think "passive" income.
Want to take a month off and go to a tropical island? No problem - an automatic marketing system keeps working for you 24 hours a day, even when you're not there. All you need to do is check in now and then, and that can be handled from anywhere in the world.
You're in total charge of your life. You're free to enjoy yourself. Free to do what you want. Free to live your life the way YOU want.
Want to dedicate yourself to creating positive change in the world? Want to spend your time helping others? Think about it... When you have the available time and income to support your choices, YOU set the rules.
That's what we're after.
Success Requirement #3:
The fulfillment and joy of being able
to work with something you love
There is nothing better than being able to work with your passion - to make money while dealing with a topic that truly interests you. To me, this is extremely rewarding.
There are basically two ways to achieve this level of freedom:
You apply focused effort until you've earned so much money that you never have to work again. Then you simply do whatever you like, and forget about money.
You find a way to make money while doing something you love. Reminds me of the old quote: "If you enjoy what you do, you will never work another day in your life."
Both approaches work, but my personal preference is the second strategy - mostly because it makes the whole process a lot more enjoyable.
Imagine getting up in the morning to start reading, doing, talking about a topic that excites you - and being paid generously for it! That's the best thing in the world.
So I designed my system to let you start with an area that YOU love - and build your business around that.
I lead you step by step through the entire process to make sure we find a way for you to turn your passion into a money machine, to let you work with a topic that truly fascinates you.
Does that sound good to you?
To me, these 3 things are incredibly important. So I've made it my goal to do everything I can to help you achieve all of them.
That's my passion. That's what the Master Plan system is all about.
In your next issue, I'll go into more detail on how to achieve all this in the most effective way. There are lots of exciting things to discover!
Life is too important to waste. If you truly want to maximize your potential, you need to create an authentic lifestyle where YOU set the rules.
That's what I hope to help you achieve. That's a personal promise.
Until the next issue, my friend, I wish you all the best in the world.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
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